in3logo An integrated interdisciplinary approach to animal-free nanomaterial and chemical safety assessment.

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in3 Consortium Beneficiaries (Hosts) and Partner Organisations


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Molecular and Computational Toxicology,  Prof. Paul Jennings. Coordinator.
Evercyte GmbH, Austria.  Prof. Regina Grillari and Prof. Johannes Grillari
Université d’Artois, France. BBB Laboratory. Assoc. Prof. Maxime Culot
University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Physiology. Dr. Marie-Gabrielle Zurich
BIOTALENTUM, Hungary. Prof. Andras Dinnyes
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.  KU Leuven Stem Cell Institute,  Prof. Catherine Verfaillie
Department of Health – Public Health England, United Kingdom. Toxicology Dept./Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards/Nanotoxicology Laboratory. Dr. Martin Leonard.
Newcells Biotech, United Kingdom. Prof. Lyle Armstrong
Instituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Italy. Environmental Health Sciences/Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. Prof. Emilio Benfenati
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom. School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences. Prof. Mark Cronin
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Laboratory of Chemometrics. Prof. Marjana Novič
Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands. Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences/Toxicology. Dr. Nynke Kramer
Douglas Connect, Switzerland. Dr. Barry Hardy and Dr. Thomas Exner

Partner Organisations
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing – EUROPE, Universität Konstanz, Germany. Dr. Mardas Daneshian
European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing, Italy. Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission Joint Research Centre. Dr. Anna Price
European Society of Toxicology in vitro, The Netherlands. Prof. Mathieu Vinken and Dr. Helena Kandárová
L’Oreal, France. Gladys Ouedraogo
TissUse, Berlin Germany, Reyk Horland, Uwe Marx and Beren Atac


in3 is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Innovative Training Network under grant no. 721975.