We are excited to announce that Dr. Luiz Ladeira has joined the ESTIV Board! Luiz brings exceptional expertise in physiological maps and AOP research, as well as a strong commitment to advancing in vitro and in silico toxicology. We look forward to his contributions as we continue to drive progress in toxicological research and support our vibrant ESTIV community. Welcome aboard, Luiz!

Short Bio:
Luiz Ladeira is a postdoctoral researcher at the Biomechanics Research Unit, GIGA Institute – Molecular and Computational Biology, University of Liège, Belgium. He is a trained nutritionist and holds an MSc and PhD in Cell and Structural Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Brazil. His recent research, mostly in the ONTOX project (https://ontox-project.eu/), is focused on supporting NAMs development by setting the physiological grounds for Adverse Outcome Pathways building and refinement, computational modeling rationale, and ontology maps construction. Luiz volunteers at the VPH Institute (https://www.vph-institute.org/) and the Avicenna Alliance (https://www.avicenna-alliance.com/), advocating for in silico methods in healthcare and research. Luiz recently joined the ESTIV board to continue promoting alternative methods in toxicology and help shape the next generation of toxicologists through the ESTIV Early Career Network.