Future Events
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Call for Proposals: ESTIV 2026 in Maastricht!
We want to remind all our members, followers and friends that session proposal submissions for the ESTIV2026 Congress in Maastricht are now open! 🎉
SAAOP – joins forces with ESTIV and ASCCT starting January 2025
SAAOP will continue to function as an independent society with its leadership and mission, ASCCT and ESTIV will assume various administrative functions…
Submission Deadline Extended for the Virtual Special Issue (VSI) ESTIV 2024 in Toxicology in Vitro
Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your work in a leading journal and contribute to advancing the field of NAMs in toxicology! New deadline is April 30, 2025!
ASCCT-ESTIV Award Winners Series: Giulia De Negri Atanasio & Kim To
Please join us for the first
ESTIV-ASCCT Award Winners Series webinar in 2025. The registration is already available!
JSAAE & ASCCT-ESTIV Joint Webinar Invitation
Please join us for the upcoming webinar coorganized by JSAAE & ASCCT-ESTIV. The registration is open!
Celebrating Talents in Toxicology: ESTIV Awards at ASCCT 2024
We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the ESTIV Awards recognizing outstanding early-career scientists at last week’s ASCCT Congress
ASCCT-ESTIV Award Winners Series: Dr. Eliska Kuchovska & Tiago Marques Pedro
Registration is open for the next joint ASCCT-ESTIV webinar featuring two excellent early career scientists and award recipients