European Society of Toxicology In Vitro > Uncategorized > ESTIV President, Dr Helena Kandarova, ERT is the recipient of the prestigious Doerenkamp-Zbinden Award 2021
6 September 2021

ESTIV President, Dr Helena Kandarova, ERT is the recipient of the prestigious Doerenkamp-Zbinden Award 2021

The Board of Trustees of the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation for Animal-free Research has chosen Dr Helena Kandárová, ERT, Senior scientists at the Centre of Experimental Medicine at Slovak Academy of Sciences, in Bratislava, Slovakia and President of ESTIV as the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Prize winner in the year 2021.

The Award was presented to Dr. Kandarova on September, 2nd 2021 at an online ceremony during the World Congress on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing in Maastricht. Dr. Helena Kandarova receives the prize for her outstanding achievements in the field of alternatives to animal testing. The laudatio was given by the Vice-President of the Foundation, Prof. Thomas Hartung.


About the award
The origins of the DZ Foundation (DZF) lie in the award of a yearly prize for distinguished services to animal protection in science. Despite repeated reorientation of the Foundation, this prize has always been retained. The prize serves public relations, raises the level of awareness but also defines the Foundation’s position.
Single persons, teams as well as institutions can be suggested for the prize. The suggestions are treated confidentially. Suggestions for the prize are to be made by the members of the Foundation Board (FB) and the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the DZF. Suggestions for the yearly prize may be made by the 31st of December of the previous year. If by the 31st of December no convincing suggestions for a laureate have been made to the FB, the prize is not awarded in the following year. The scientific achievements which may lead to the award of the DZ-Prize must conform to the furtherance guidelines of the DZF. Next to scientists, persons in the fields of animal protection or philosophy and public persons may be awarded the DZ-Prize in so far as they have distinguished themselves in the sense of the replacement and reduction of animal experiments. The prize is to be awarded in a dignified ceremony. More at:

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